Frequency UnKnown Buzz Machine

Name: Freq Out

Type: Effect/Wav Writer

Parameters: Record Now, Reset

About: Writes a .wav file do disk containing the sound that is passed through it. It won't work unless it is connected at both ends. The machine is positive edge sensitive, ie the parameters work at the instant they are switched on. Changing 'Record Now' from off to on will start the machine writing to the file. Changing it back will stop it. Changing 'Reset File' from off to on empties the .wav file. Changing it back does nothing.

Before any of this works you must set the output file. Right click on the machine and select 'Set output file...'. You will be presented with a file selector. Choose a filename on a disk with plenty of space.

The machine stops recording if the disk fills up, but will cause Buzz to crash if you try to open a file on a full disk. Of course, this rarely happens with today's hard disks, but be careful if you are recording to floppy!

Frequency UnKnown/Aybiss/Aaron Oxford /